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Whether you are buying-Dealers on eBay, you have a website, an online store,
a large or small store in town, France Wholesale is for you.
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Here are some tips before you start selling your products on Ebay
Although present its products
1. See what others are doing, especially those who made many sales and items with many bids already.You will not mistake you for inspiring style.
2. Put yourself in the shoes of the buyer: what will be put in the search engine and what will encourage them to buy your item (photos, description). When you make purchases on the Internet, what makes you buy an item?
3. Use keywords to help you appear in search engines, not just Ebay, but also in Google.Google very well the reference pages of Ebay, ie coffee table + 6 chairs.You have 55 characters for your ad.Use them in a relevant manner, avoiding unnecessary punctuation and superlatives such as "Splendid Table !!!".
Also avoid building brands and references to the detriment of the name of the object, eg SONY DSC-T200 recent.Prefer: Digital camera SONY DSC-T200
4 . Ask yourself if a single image is enough or if you gain to show your subject from different angles.
5. Be honest and accurate description.If the item is defective or signs of wear, say so (eg a stripe of 2 cm). The buyer knows that he buys one occasion that the trust will avoid disputes later.
What starting price for you?
You can set a reserve price is the lowest price which you are willing to sell the item.Buyers do not know the price and you do not have to sell if the reserve price has not been reached.
Or you can choose a classic fixed-price sales (Buy Now). This is possible only if you have 10 assessments a minimum (as buyer or seller) or by being named to payment by direct debit.
Delivery charges
What length of stay? When put his item for sale?
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an unbeatable price?
Not sure how to approach a wholesaler, supplier
to buy your items?
The directory Francegrossiste is for You!
Do you offer any advice and tools to make your e-commerce!
Understandably, eBay provides access to a huge market with 150 million users worldwide, and between 750 million and $ 1.4 billion of products offered for sale in 2004, according to estimates.In France alone, the value of transactions have increased by The World 160% in 2004 to 437 million euros, making it the European country where the growth of eBay is the most dynamic.A French four connects to eBay once a month.
A market of 150 million users worldwide |
Second crucial element of the sector model.Most transactions on eBay is the auction, despite the opportunity to offer items at fixed prices.A system that can divert professionals, accustomed to fixed prices or negotiations on volumes, which tends to drive prices down.Low prices, a major constraint when the model is based on insertion fees carry a commission on the amount of the sale.Higher rates of eBay U.S., which last occurred in February, would also be liable under Wall Street Journal the decline in hearing in the first quarter of 2005 and the slowest growth in turnover of the site's history over the period.Recall that the squares of fixed-price contract does not collect insertion fee, which conversely can artificially inflate the catalog with products whose price is higher than the market.
Finally come to this area the tools available to professionals to maximize their sales.Again, eBay displays the most and least compete.The manager of sales, "shops", the Paypal system and dedicated customer service makes life easier for pros.In contrast, most of these tools are not free, and just a little more complicate the calculation of profitability. Another problem : that of identifying professionals.On eBay, this identification is often blurred.Individuals can sell "new" and logos to differentiate existing vendors (program "Power Sellers") are awarded on criteria of volume and quality assessment, not a status.
A model and management tools that weigh on margins |
Amidst this new environment, to teach professionals to manage this complexity, eBay has established a program dedicated to big sellers, "eBay University, which annually provide training and tips to make better use of management tools provided by the site.A dedicated customer service was also introduced last year to meet strong demand from professionals for assistance.In total, the teams dedicated to customer relations (basic service and specific services) represent half the global workforce of the marketplace.
And to develop the sale BtoC, eBay has other ideas.The company pioneered the concept of "vendor assistant", a more intermediate between the seller and the buyer ultimately responsible for conducting the sale on behalf of the first passage by taking a commission.eBay has also developed models for specific contract agreements.In France, the directory lists of eBay sellers and more than 400 intermediaries.United States, the group has set up other services like a market place and BtoB "ProStores", an offer e-commerce and pay turnkey including website creation, hosting and management payments.

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